Donate to the Judy Seddon Memorial Scholarship
The legacy of a hero is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example. Help honour Judy's memory by supporting a Canadian Rugby Foundation in her name.
Judy Seddon has been the ultimate ambassador for rugby for close to four decades. Her early playing days were with the Edmonton Coven Women’s Rugby Club, where she was part of the initial surge of women’s rugby in Alberta. Her support for women’s rugby continued throughout her life as an ambassador and firm voice in the advancement of the women’s game. As the backbone of the Alberta rugby community, Judy volunteered for the Edmonton Rugby Union, Rugby Alberta, and Rugby Canada. She has held numerous positions over the years such as the Edmonton Rugby Union registrar, website manager, statistician, fundraising chair, Vice President of the Ellerslie Rugby Park Board and Rugbyfest Treasurer and Chair. If there was a rugby event taking part in Alberta, it was likely Judy was there and even more likely that she was helping out with the event in some capacity.
Judy was affectionally referred to as ‘Rugby Mom’ and her unwavering commitment, passion and dedication to registration, administration, and many other facets of growing the sport of rugby have gone above and beyond what would ever be expected from a volunteer position. Her efforts have been recognized by multiple organizations, including by the Edmonton Rugby Union as the Most Valuable Administrator and Hall of Fame Inductee, by Rugby Canada as the 2017 Volunteer of the Year, and by the Governor General of Canada with the award of the 2018 Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. Judy’s leadership was unquestionable, as well as her strong will and sense of diplomacy to get the job done. Judy’s commitment and passion for the game will be missed, but the legacy she leaves will continue to inspire the community to dedicate themselves to the game in her honour.
Please click HERE to donate to the Judy Seddon Memorial Fund.